Disclaimer – I kind of hate the term self-care because I feel like it’s another thing to feel guilty that it’s not higher up your “to do” list. But how we exercise, choose to move, and choose to work our bodies can be driven by wanting to take care of our bodies, our mental health or it can be …
Posture – are you sitting hunch-ed-ley?
The mere mention of the word ‘posture’ makes you stand to attention. Yet, it’s so easy to find yourself hunched over a desk or behind the steering wheel. 21st Century problem I believe that the way we live in the 21st Century is adding to the number of people with bad posture. Young people in …
The Pilates Reformer is your new best friend!
It’s safe to say, as a Pilates instructor I am a huge fan of the reformer. At first sight, it might resemble a medieval torture rack or even a rowing machine, but the reformer provides a range of movement that trains you to stabilities your core and spine while developing strength and flexibility. It is …
How to focus on your fitness during the summer holidays.
For families the summer holidays can be one of the best times of the year but it can also be one of the most stressful for many parents especially mums. Juggling work, childcare, entertainment and everything else can mean your needs move further down the pecking order. By the end of the holidays you feel like you don’t even know where your gym kit is and you are dreading that first workout because you know it’s not going to be fun!!
Pelvic Floor – how to strengthen it & why you should!
A healthy pelvic floor supports optimal bladder and bowel function, can reduce back and hip pain and improve sexual function.
Mental health improvements from your Pilates Practice.
You may not be aware that it is mental health awareness week in the UK and after the last year this seems more important than ever to talk about mental health. Mental health and the issues that surround it are not to be made light of and the intention of this blog isn’t to do …
So why aren’t you working out??
Many people have the best intensions to workout regularly, they know all about the health benefits, they even know that when they exercise regularly, they feel so much better, and they want to workout but life just keeps getting in the way. You might be looking at your family, friends, even your partner, that instragrammer …
Runners run, that is what runners do……
Pilates, From a runners point of view… Runners run, that is what runners do, to keep fit, they run, to train, they run, to socialize… they run! So they must be the fittest creatures on the planet? What I have learnt and keep learning about fitness is how everything you do must be measured and in proportion with a regular programme! …
5 helpful things to know before you start a Pilates Avenue class.
When you start a new exercise class it can be a little daunting; new place, new people, will you be able to do it? These might be some of the thoughts going through your mind before your first class; even before you book your first class. Don’t worry these fears are really normal and please …
So, you have found yourself here at Pilates Avenue – have you done Pilates before or are you thinking of trying it for the first time??
Do you have poor posture? Do you ache with every movement? Do you feel weak? Do you feel too unfit to exercise? Do you have difficulty putting your socks on? Do you want to be better at your choice fitness activity? Do you want to feel better in your body and understand how your body …